Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Global warming and new york

Is it me or the weather in new york has just being toying with us since the start of the year. Is the weather so messed up that metorologist can't make a good prediction? Well its it a prediction of wats to come. If we look at it I know governments around world new that there was a hole in the ozone years ago. So you are telling me that if AL GORE didn't lose his bid for presidence and start to get more spot lite for that global waming video, the world would not be putting so much emphasis on global warming. Well the mistake has been made now its time to correct it. It seems to me though that since this economic down turn the green business has been florishing but as this year progress deeeper in the ression less and less is been heard about OPERATION GREEN EARTH . My question is too much damage already been done? Well so far to my opinon yes will we ever be able to recover? If they come up with a plan that could fix the problrm over night, we may be able to fix some stuff but the way we progressing a lot more needs and should be done. So as for new york its predicted that we may be hit by a huriccane but are we ready for such an impact or will we be wiped out like indonesia when they got hit with a sunami.

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